Song by Random Combo

Artist Introduction

Random Combo, a generative artist, is known for works such as "Mei" (梅), "Zhu" (竹), and "Song" (宋|松). The creation process primarily utilises JavaScript and p5.js, with all released works being fully coded. "Mei" (梅) and "Zhu" (竹) were published on Fxhash in 2021 and were subsequently selected for exhibition at the Hong Kong Basel Art Festival in the following year, within the Tezos digital art section. "Song" (宋|松) was released on Genify.btc in 2024.

Project Description


"Song" is an oriental art piece featuring the imagery of pine trees, symbolising tenacity and fortitude in traditional Chinese culture. Departing from the artist’s previous works, “Song” adopts a unique style of generative landscapes inspired by the landscape paintings of the Song and Yuan dynasties, particularly the flourishing era of literati landscape paintings (文人山水画). In these paintings, solitude and ultimate simplicity are expressed through the partially imaginary landscapes within the artist's mind.

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Curatorial Article

Random Combo—A Web3 Pioneer Abstracting Chinese Aesthetics Through Mathematical Algorithms

In Conversation with Random Combo

A Brief History of Algorithmic Generation of Chinese Painting

Overview of the Development of Generative Landscape Painting in Web3


Derivation and Generation, Beijing, 2024