alignDRAW by Elman Mansimov on Fellowship

Artist Introduction

Elman Mansimov is a Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services in New York City. He is currently working on foundation models at Amazon Bedrock. Previously, he finished his Ph.D. at New York University where he was supervised by Kyunghyun Cho. His thesis focused on iterative refinement as a general approach for structured prediction with applications to machine translation and molecule generation. Earlier, he did an undergraduate degree in Computer Science at University of Toronto supervised by Ruslan Salakhutdinov. During that time, he worked on unsupervised learning from videos and developed the first text-to-image generative model.

Click to visit his personal website:

Project Description

alignDRAW (2015). The first text-to-image artwork.

By early 2015, neural networks had mastered the art of 'image-to-text' and could create natural language captions for images. Flipping this process, and turning text into image, was a much more complex challenge solved by 19-year old prodigy Elman Mansimov's alignDRAW model. DAILY, in partnership with Fellowship, is pleased to present a special release of fully on-chain NFTs of this historical artwork, containing all the original 32x32 pixel images.

alignDRAW on Fellowship:
alignDRAW on Opensea:

alignDRAW in China


N Pole Art is the earliest art institution in China to engage with and support Elman Mansimov’s alignDRAW and Fellowship. Our Arctic Circle community is the largest alignDRAW collectors' community in Asia. As early as November 2023, we recognized the significant historical value and importance of the alignDRAW project in the field of AI art. Over ten members of our community minted more than 70 alignDRAW pieces on the primary market and have continued to purchase on the secondary market, with holdings peaking at nearly 100 pieces. Currently, the Arctic Circle community conservatively estimates that it still holds over 50 alignDRAW pieces.


N Pole Art不仅仅收藏alignDRAW,还非常重视并致力于在中国推广alignDRAW,使得更多的中国人理解alignDRAW在AI艺术发展史中的巨大价值。在Fellowship团队的协助下,我们将alignDRAW的系列文章和访谈翻译成中文,发布在中国最大的社交应用WeChat中:

见解|alignDRAW - 人工智能艺术的加密朋克





To ensure that alignDRAW can be searched as a keyword on Baidu, China's largest search engine, we have uploaded introductory articles about alignDRAW and Elman Mansimov on CSDN, the Chinese version of GitHub.


首个文生图AI模型作者——Elman Mansimov

Additionally, alignDRAW has been featured in the AI art special article titled "An Overview of the Importance and Valuation System for Collecting AI Art," written by Arctic, the co-founder of N Pole Art.


Currently, we are planning an interview with Elman Mansimov, the creator of alignDRAW, and Alejandro Cartagena, the co-founder of Fellowship. Stay tuned.